
My Calendar

Jo Grant -

Updated for Synergist version 12.5

If you are using the scheduling function of Synergist, you'll find your calendar with all the work that has been allocate to you via the left hand navigation panel under 'Scheduling'. By clicking on 'My Calendar' you will see all confirmed, real bookings allocated to you.

My Calendar displays the month's calendar, but can be amended to week or day using the top options. You can also include calendar bookings from other companies via the preferences button if you operate multiple companies in your Synergist system.  Leaving the company selector blank will include all companies that you have a staff resource in.  Other preferences include what data to display from each booking and whether or not to include activities in this view.

Displays can also be scrolled back and forth and a calendar is available to select specific dates.  When moving your cursor over booking, you will see 'hover over' text displaying key information on the booking.


If you single click into a booking, you will get a booking form appear on the right hand side. For more details on this, including feedback, timer and requisitions, please see our section on Detail Form.


In addition to calendar bookings, you can display activities in this calendar interface, which is useful for indicating non-estimate items.  There are some settings needed to allow this, read the article here for more details.  Activities shown in your calendar can be dragged to a different date.  If you are using a daily or weekly view of My Calendar, the start / end times will adjust according to where the activity is dropped.

Note that calendar bookings can not be moved in this way; these adjustments are only allowed for activities shown in your calendar.

New events, like holidays, can be added to your calendar from this interface by clicking 'Add Event' at the top.  These will automatically appear in the main calendar bookings interface.

If you wish to show the bookings in your Synergist calendar in another application, you can create an ics link by clicking the icon in the header.  Use this link to subscribe to your Synergist calendar in the other application.


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