GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation
Features to help users achieve compliance with the May 2018 changes to the law regarding data protection. These are relevant to the contacts area where you may be holding data that needs reviewing to ensure compliance with the May 2018 rules. The key to this is ensuring you can record whether a contact has explicitly ‘opted in’ to communications with your company, when this opt-in authority was obtained, and from which system/source it originated. It is also important to track how long you have had the authority and whether this has effectively expired – at which point you might want to either get confirmation that the contact still wishes to be opted-in, or you may even wish to clear down any data that is no longer relevant (e.g. social media info, phone numbers etc.) Since it would be very time consuming to set these new fields manually we also have features for enhanced querying of the data (including selecting a batch of contacts by pasting in a list of email address, and new batch update features).