
Booking form

Jo Grant -

The calendar booking form has been designed to provide an accordion with the following sections:

  • Booking detail
  • Notes
  • Estimate details
  • Attachments


The accordion makes it easy for the user to concentrate on key areas of the booking.

The fields for number of bookings, hours per day, total hours and start / end dates all work in conjunction with one another.  Editing the number of bookings or hours per day will update the total hours.  Editing the total hours is only allowed if the value entered is a factor of the hours per day, in which case the number of bookings will be updated.  Changing the start / end dates will automatically adjust the number of bookings, and recalculate the total hours accordingly.

The ‘Feedback’ section under ‘Booking details’ is a feature which enables the staff resource to easily feedback the current status of the booking. For more on this feature see our section on Calendar Feedback.

The ‘Attachments’ section enables the user to download any related attachments.

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