
Dashboards - Data viewer

David Stevenson -

You can create your own dashboard panels based on data viewer views.  You won't see the Data viewer dashboard option until you have created at least one such view.  Any view can be saved this way, but bear in mind that every time you refresh the dashboard page the data viewer view will be re-generated, so there may be a delay if the amount of data to be processed is very large.

This feature is aimed at allowing you to define your own simple KPIs and displaying them as tables and / or charts.  The same data viewer rules for creating charts applies to these views - you cannot chart more than one category, so only a single column can be used if you wish to produce a chart view in your dashboard.

You can combine several data series into a single chart, basically any data viewer view can be saved and added to this dashboard.  Once a view is saved to your dashboard it can be moved up or down the page.  You cannot re-size them though, they will expand vertically to accommodate the data to display, and will use the full width of the window.

Chart type (bar, column, line) is saved as part of the view:


To remove a view from the data viewer dashboard you can either delete the view entirely, or just remove the flag to display as a dashboard:


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