
Dashboards - Performance

David Stevenson -

Choosing the performance dashboard displays four panels of data - Utilisation vs chargeable target (%), Staff utilisation summary, Chargeable hours vs chargeable target, Chargeable value vs chargeable target.  All these can be set to show data for all staff teams, your staff team only, or a single specified other staff team.

Utilisation vs chargeable target (%)

This dashboard plots utilisation % for the selected staff team(s) against a 100% target line.  Utilisation is chargeable time as a % of target chargeable time.

Staff utilisation summary

This dashboard shows the breakdown between chargeable and non-chargeable hours of all timesheets entered into your database in the period set using the controls within this dashboard.  Timesheets on internal jobs, in-house status phases or those marked as investment are considered non-chargeable.  All other timesheets are counted as chargeable.  This breakdown can be shown for the whole company, or broken out further by staff team.  Ticking the box to include targets adds two series of data - target and charge target.  These targets are set against staff resources.

Chargeable hours / value vs chargeable target

This dashboard shows chargeable time entered in the period vs chargeable target as a number of hours or as a value (recommended charge out).

Chargeable targets and total time required are taken from the staff resources in the selected team(s).

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