
Force multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Carol Schenn -

To force multi-factor authentication (MFA) across the system go to Settings > Utilities > System parameters. On the Settings tab there is a multi-factor authentication section. You can choose which methods you wish to allow across the system - authenticator app and/or email.

The MFA policy drop-down gives three options:

  • Optional - this option allows each user to decide whether to implement MFA for their user login.
  • Remind user - if enabled, each time a user logs-in they will get a pop-up message - 'You must set-up multi-factor authentication'. They can exit preferences without enabling MFA.
  • Mandatory - when a user logs-in they will get a pop-up message - 'You must set-up multi-factor authentication'. Menu items have been removed and users cannot navigate away from preferences until MFA has been enabled. 


Note that the mandatory option on the MFA policy drop-down will only appear to you in the list if the user you are logged in as has enabled MFA on the user account.

See Multi factor authentication (MFA) for further information on enabling MFA per user. 

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