
v12.6 release overview

David Stevenson -

Synergist v12.6 is primarily a technical release, incorporating a new version of the underlying database. This will deliver improved performance & scaleability for larger sites. There are also new areas of functionality and interface improvements — to improve useability and reduce the time spent on common administrative tasks.

Freelancer cost tracking

  • Automated conversion of freelancer timesheets into Purchase Orders / Purchase Invoices
  • Freelancers costs are entered as timesheets.
  • New feature creates consolidated PO's on either a single internal job or the actual jobs worked on.

Foreign-currency expense sheets

Synergist already supported foreign currency expenses, but these were automatically converted into the systems base currency for reimbursement. With this new feature, it's now possible to save expense sheets in a foreign currency. This makes reimbursement in the chosen currency easy and removes the effect of exchange rate fluctuations.

Quick kanban editing

Quick editing of all the following on a Kanban Card

  • Owner
  • Activity type
  • Subject
  • Details
  • Start and end date & time

Accounts integrations

Xero integration enhancements


  • A new facility to split a line allows the allocation of multiple purchase orders
  • Upload sales invoice PDFs to Xero as part of an invoice batch post

Sage Business Cloud integration

New accounting link for posting Sales and Purchase transactions to Sage Business cloud

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