
Copying job options

Jo Grant -

When creating a new job it is possible to copy an existing job, or create a job based on a job template. In both cases, you need to decide exactly what will be transferred across from the source job to the new job. The right hand panel in the job creation dialog controls this feature:

Options views
Initially you will be presented with default values suggested by the system, but you can use the options feature to save these settings for future. In this way, you can either have a different default set up – or actively select from a pre-created set of options.

Creating an ‘options view’
Views administrators can create these options views, which then become available to all users. In addition, non views-administrators can create views for their own use.

Selecting an ‘options view’
The system has two pre-defined settings available to the user, more can be saved or deleted from this area:

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