
An overview of Kanban boards

Jo Grant -

Updated for Synergist version 12.5

A kanban board is a workflow visualization tool that enables you to monitor the flow of work. In Synergist, a kanban board is represented by a number of columns – each one a kanban status.

Synergist will, by default, have three kanban statuses (To do, In progress and Complete) and one kanban board (Work tickets), though more can be added through file maintenance.  You can also choose in file maintenance which activity types will be shown on your kanban boards.


Each column represents a kanban status and can be assigned a colour in file maintenance.  All cards in the current view are grouped by kanban status, and each card represents a Synergist ‘Activity’ record. The user can drag an activity from one kanban status to another.

Notice there are two display options available - the normal list view and the new ‘kanban’ board. In both cases, you will see the same activities. You can switch from one display to the other using the buttons provided.


Kanban cards

In Kanban view, each card displays key information from the activity record:


Header area

At the top of the card, it displays an avatar of the owner of the activity and a unique reference for this card - clicking this opens the full input form for the activity.

Main body

Under the heading area is other key information:

  • The subject (short description) of the activity
  • The activity details
  • The activity type (if this is a requisition type activity the charge code is displayed next to the activity type)
  • The start / due date / time (red if overdue)
  • Client name (clickable)
  • Job number & description (clickable)

Footer area

Icons display here to indicate the following:

  • Checklist status - number of completed items / total number of items
  • A speech bubble indicates the number of comments
  • An eye icon displays whether or not you are a watcher
  • A paperclip icon to show the number of attachments on the card
  • If the card is a requisition for time a clock icon displays the total hours requested
  • Priority - Low priority appears as green text, high priority appears as red text.  Medium priority is not displayed


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