
Creating Kanban statuses

Jo Grant -

Updated for Synergist 12.5

There are three Kanban statuses by default:

  • To do.
  • In progress.
  • Completed.

However, you may wish to add some more. Editing, deleting and adding of Kanban statuses can be done via the cog icon in the top right, File maintenance, Kanban statuses.

A good place to start is by creating the number of statuses you require to describe your workflows.


Note: All status codes are of Entity type ‘Activities’. Currently, Kanban boards are for activities only. However, in the future we may provide Kanban views for other areas of the product like jobs & phases.

Click 'New' to bring up a new status form:


Type into the form a meaningful code and a description. You also have to decide if moving an activity to this stage should complete the activity, or un-complete the activity.

You can also specify which companies will use this Kanban stage. Leave blank for all companies.

Note: There must be at least one stage set as ‘action=Complete’ and another ‘action=Uncomplete’.

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