Purchase estimates on multiple jobs or phases can be consolidated into one purchase order, with a single PO number. This can be used to create a single PDF document to send to your supplier.
Creating a consolidated PO
Open the purchase orders list and filter the list to estimates only. Do this by clicking on the Filter, expand the Purchase section, under 'Real/estimate' untick 'Real' so that the Estimate option is ticked automatically, apply the filter. In the list, tick the purchase estimates that you would like to consolidate. Click on the 'New' button and select 'Create consolidated PO from selected estimates'.
- Purchase estimates must be for the same supplier and currency.
- Once consolidated, the purchases cannot be returned to their original estimate state.
- Like regular POs, consolidated POs cannot be deleted, only cancelled.
- You will need a consolidated PO layout in order to create a PDF of the PO. Without a suitable layout, there will be no 'Print' button on the consolidated PO. Helpdesk can provide a standard layout where needed.
Viewing existing consolidated POs
Once created you will be presented with the consolidated PO screen. If you need to open an existing consolidated PO, open any of the purchase orders that form a part of it and click on the 'Consolidated PO [Number]' button, see screenshot below.
On the Details tab, each PO that is part of the consolidated PO will be listed and can be opened by clicking on them in the list.
- Click on 'Actions' to change the supplier or cancel and write-off the PO - these actions will affect all purchases that the consolidated PO is for.
- 'Date ordered' is the actual date of the POs. Changing this field will change the actual PO date on all purchase orders that the consolidated PO is for.
- Enter the delivery address on one of the individual POs and this will pull through into the delivery address section. You can record whether the PO has been sent to the supplier and edit the date sent on the consolidated PO.
Purchase invoices will show on the Invoices tab. One line per purchase invoice allocation will be shown. Purchase invoice allocations are done per individual PO, rather than for the whole consolidated PO, so you can raise purchase invoices for POs in the normal way.