Updated for Synergist 12.5
The job and phase lists now support a view of billing plans per job/phase. Click on the 'Billing plan' button at the top of the list to show this view. Billing plans for the jobs in the current selection will be shown; this selection of jobs can be filtered in the normal way. Job and phase tabs on the client record also allow this view to be selected, as well as on projects and campaigns (if enabled on your system).
A breakdown of billing plans by month are shown for the selected months. This date range can be changed using the start month and range drop-downs at the top of the job list. It does not change the job selection, only the number of columns shown for billing plan months.
Further adjustments can be made to the data shown via the Preferences button.
- Summary - The totals of all the billing plans for the job/phase. This value includes the billing plans that fall outside of the range being displayed.
- Prior - The total values of the billing plans dated prior to the start of the monthly range.
- Future - The total values of the billing plans dated after the end of the monthly range.
- Decimal places - Option to show/hide decimal places.
- Columns to include - You can choose which columns you would like to see.
In the billing plan view, clicking on the job or phase number in the list will take you straight to the billing plan tab of the job/phase. You can edit the dates, percentage and planned values in line, rather than having to open each billing plan.