
Dashboard tab

David Stevenson -

Previously called the financial tab, the dashboard clearly presents various key pieces of financial information about a job or a phase (the tab appears on both job and phase) as easy to read charts and tables.  It is divided into several panels, each with a specific purpose, described below.

Health check:  Job health can be assessed in various ways, this panel gives a good at-a-glance gauge of how close a job is to becoming "unhealthy"


Status:  The status panel is used to show the invoicing status - (complete / final invoiced).  Completion is set via the 'Actions' button in the record header.  Final invoiced can only be set by the creation of a sales invoice marked as final.  Both can be used as a flag to prevent new costs being added to the job.  A tooltip on hover over the checkboxes displays who / when the status was changed to true.  Net to invoice is the amount outstanding to bill.  On quoted jobs this is the difference between the total quoted price and the total value of real invoices, on other jobs it is the difference between the total recommended charge value of actual time, materials and purchases and total value of real invoices.


The percentage completion slider is set manually and is intended to allow a job handler to compare the reality of how complete a job is with the indicators presented in the health check panel.  It is not calculated from any of the values stored on jobs / phases.

Key financials:  Key financials shows absolute values - hover your mouse cursor over a column to get the exact value to display.


Actual to estimated:  Estimate vs actual has three different display options - cost / hours / recommended charge.  Use the drop-down in the panel header to switch between them.  Like the key financial graph, a mouseover tooltip displays an exact value for the column.


Profit & Costs:  Compares quoted price with estimated costs to give a view of anticipated gross and net profit.  In addition, gross and net profit calculations are shown using actual costs vs either quoted price or total invoiced.  Switch between these two using the drop-down within this panel.


Comparison to recommended charge:  This panel shows estimated recommended charge values for the job / phase by cost type and compares the total to the quoted price and displays any difference - a difference being indicative of discounts / uplifts being applied to the quote.  In addition, actual recommended charge values can be shown and compared to either invoiced or quoted totals.  Switch between invoiced and quoted via the drop-down in this panel.


Billed costs:  This gives a breakdown of all costs that have been billed, or ticked off against a sales invoice.  The actual cost and recommended charge of these billed costs is used to derive a recommended profit figure.  This recommended profit figure is then compared to the actual profit figure, derived from the actual cost of ticked off items and the invoiced total.


Un-billed costs:  This is a view of the total actual costs on the job / phase that are not yet ticked off against any sales invoice.  These form the basis of various WIP (work in progress) reports.

Value:  This displays recommended gross and net profit broken down by cost type.  Net profit is the difference between recommended charge and cost.  For purchases, this is the same as gross profit.

PO/PI control:  The final control changes the way in which actual purchase costs are handled on the dashboard's various panels.  There are three settings - PO cost, PO/PI cost, PI cost.

  • PO cost only uses cost values from purchase orders, purchase invoices are ignored
  • PO/PI cost uses the purchase order cost unless the PO is marked as final supplier invoiced, in which case the total value of purchase invoices is used.
  • PI cost only uses purchase invoice amounts.  Both part and final purchase invoices are included, but purchase order costs are ignored.


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