
Purchase order requisitions

Carol Schenn -

The purchase order requisitions feature allows a purchase order to be created without allocating a PO number to it. When a purchase requisition is submitted for approval, it will only be allocated a PO number once the PO has been approved. 

Users raise the purchase as normal, either on the purchases and expenses tab of a phase or by converting a purchase estimate to real. Both methods create a purchase in 'Draft' mode. Users then 'Submit this purchase', at which point the PO is given a requisition number.



Un-submitting the purchase reverts it to draft mode. 



Once submitted the requisition can be approved by PO approvers in the normal way, at which point it will become a real PO with a PO number.

When a purchase requisition has been approved it can be unapproved if required. However it will not revert to a purchase requisition, as it will have been allocated a PO number.



To switch this setting on go to Settings, Company Settings. On the Switches tab in the Purchasing section select 'Requisition approval' in the purchase approval drop-down. 



'Direct expenses always invoice received' must be unticked in order for the purchase approval drop-down to be editable. 


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