
Material entry

Jo Grant -

Entering materials can be done via the daily timesheet entry interface:

Daily timesheet

Time entry is not required at the same time, but the job phase is selected in the same way.
Click the 'New' button, which takes you through to select the job / phase / stage (if applicable):

Once these have been selected, the form expands for you to enter the remaining required information for materials:

As mentioned, you do not need to add time, but you can add simultaneously if required.

Once you have entered all the details, you can 'Add' from the bottom.

As soon as this added, it is saved into your daily timesheets view. From here, lines can be submitted individually using the 'Submit' button in-line or together by selecting items in the list and clicking Actions > submit:

If you are not using timesheet approval, your system buttons will say 'Post' rather than 'Submit'. Your materials will then be posted directly onto the job phase.

If you are using timesheet approval, your materials will then go through the approval cycle the same as your regular timesheets.

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