
Entering time

Jo Grant -

This section is accessed under the 'Time & expenses' heading in the left hand navigation panel:

If you are new to timesheet entry, the form (pictured below) will initially appear empty, ready for you to add your timesheets to. This table will always appear with a summary at the bottom of your daily and weekly totals, which includes weekly hours required, chargeable and non-chargeable weekly hours submitted:

To add time you need to click the 'New' button, which takes you through to select the client / job / phase / stage (if applicable):

Once these have been selected, the form expands for you to enter the remaining required information:


It's important to note that time is entered in decimal format. So quarter of an hour is 0.25, half is 0.5 and three quarters is 0.75 (eg one and a quarter hours would be input as 1.25).

Once you have entered all the details you can 'Add' from the bottom right corner.

As soon as the time is added, it is saved into your daily timesheets view. From here, lines can be submitted individually using the 'Submit' button in the 'Status' column or together using the 'Submit all' button:


If you are not using timesheet approval, your system buttons will say 'Post' rather than 'Submit'. Your timesheets will then be posted directly onto the job phase.

If you are using timesheet approval, your timesheets will then go through the approval cycle.


Before it is submitted, the time can be copied or deleted using the icons in the final two columns:



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