
Data Optimization & Cleansing

David Stevenson -

Over time your data will accrete old concepts and data that is no longer valid or used in your processes.  Data Optimization & Cleansing utility is a good way to review and remove these items from view.  Access it via Utilities > re-process:

First define the scope of companies to cleanse, either the current company or every company not marked as an archive company in your database.

Next set the date range to define  what to remove from view:

Created prior to defaults to 6 months in the past, only items created prior to this will be considered for removal, so as to avoid removing new entries that have not yet been used.

Not used after defaults to one year in the past, any items considered due to being "Created prior to" are check to see if they have been used since the "not used after" date.

Only items that meet both criteria will be removed, ie created prior to the specified date AND unused since the specified date.

Next select which file maintenance items to mark as inactive:

These panes allow you to select from several file maintenance tables, and defines what is meant by "unused"

You can pre-flight the process once you have made your selections by clicking the Report-Export CSV button.  This will generate a report showing what items will be affected, and what those effects will be.

Finally, once you are happy that everything in the report is redundant click the process button.

Note that nothing is deleted, this is a tidy-up process, not a compaction routine.  The actions taken by the utility can be reversed piecemeal if you discover a mistake, or if an old item like a job type or a charge code becomes current again.  You should exercise caution even so - there is no way to reverse all these changes en masse.


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