Synergist supports a simple system of dependency between items in a Gantt chart. Start / end points of bars can be linked to start / end points of other bars by clicking the circle on one bar and dragging it to the required circle on another bar. Now moving one bar will move the linked bar based on the dependency created.
Finish to start - drag the finish circle from task 1 to the start circle on task 2
Start to start - drag the start circle from task 1 to the start circle of task 2
A delay before the dependent task date can be added by double clicking on the link line in the Gantt chart. This interface can also be used to delete unwanted dependency links.
You can link several dependent items to a single "parent" item. In this way you can ensure the dates on several jobs follow the same relative critical date path.
Note that if you use the multi-job Gantt feature to link one job to another via a dependency you will see both jobs when you go to the phases tab of either job and set it to Gantt display. This will prevent you updating the dates on one job without considering the impact on dates of any linked job.