
Setting up SMTP based email alerts

Dave Harvey -


The system has an alerts functionality (ie via activities), but this is not currently being utilised


Alerts are simple to set up.  You simply enter the address of your smtp server into the relevant field in system parameters:

  • Tools & settings
  • Utilities
  • System parameters
  • Web/email

Unless you are certain that authentication is required to send internal email leave the username and password fields blank and do not check the option to use authentication.
The only other configuration that may be required is to ensure that the 4D Server computer is allowed to send smtp mail on your Exchange server.

Then go to Tools & Settings > Company Settings, open your company and select the alerts tab. Choose whichever alerts you would like to be sent.

Test the configuration by setting an immediate alert on an activity – make sure the activity owner is set to you, and that your user account has the correct email address.
If you do not receive the alert check the log of messages in file maintenance and get in touch with us with the error code shown in the log (Tools & Settings > File Maintenance > Log of Messages).

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