This tab is used to determine next numbers for new records, and in some cases how those numbers are structured.
Client account: If using consecutive numbers for client accounts you can set the start number here.
Own client account numbers: This is more typical if a naming convention is used or if you wish to match the codes to an external system.
Default new clients to use templates: At client level you get the option to for the client to use templates on new job creation. This sets that to be ticked at client level by default for new clients being created.
Client prospect account: If using consecutive number for prospect accounts you can set the start number here.
Own prospect account numbers: This is more typical if a naming convention is used or if you wish to match the codes to an external system.
Invoice: Set the start / next invoice number here. An important consideration is that there is only a single sequence of invoice numbers in your Synergist database, shared by all companies. As such it is important to ensure good separation of invoice number sequences between companies to ensure there is no interleaving of numbers between companies.
Own Inv number: Tick this if you wish to assign your own numbers to an invoice each time you generate one.
Invoice prefix: If you wish all your invoices to have a prefix (perhaps to identify the Synergist company) then this can be entered here.
Credit note: These numbers are system generated, enter your start / next number here. Similar to invoice numbers, there is a single sequence for credit notes across all companies. Leaving the next credit note number set to zero means that credit notes will use the next invoice number.
Write off: These number are system generated, enter your start / next number here. Similar to invoice numbers, there is a single sequence for credit notes across all companies.
Allow revenue recognition: Tick this if you wish to have revenue management enabled on your system.
Revenue recognition: These number are system generated, enter your start / next number here. Similar to invoice numbers, there is a single sequence for credit notes across all companies.
Enable revenue defer / accrue facility: This feature enhances basic revenue management to allow you to specify on an invoice / rev rec whether you are accruing or deferring income. When WIP reports are run they will show the deferred amount on a job as either deferred or accrued revenue based on the settings on the individual transactions. More information on this feature can be found here.
Draft invoice: These number are system generated, enter your start / next number here.
Supplier account: If using consecutive numbers for client accounts you can set the start number here.
Own supplier account numbers: This is more typical if a naming convention is used or if you wish to match the codes to an external system.
Default markup %: Sets a default markup figure for all new suppliers.
Supplier prospect account: If using consecutive number for prospect accounts you can set the start number here.
Own prospect account number: This is more typical if a naming convention is used or if you wish to match the codes to an external system.
Purchase invoice: Synergist requires a unique invoice number for all supplier invoices. Set the start of the sequence here if you want to let Synergist handle this uniqueness.
Own PIR numbers: If you prefer to enter your own unique reference on supplier invoices entered into Synergist select this option. Uniqueness is still managed by Synergist, you will be alerted if you attempt to enter the same invoice reference for a second time.
Purchase orders: Synergist requires a unique invoice number for all purchase orders. Set the start of the sequence here if you want to let Synergist handle this uniqueness.
Own PO numbers: If you prefer to enter your own unique reference on purchase orders entered into Synergist select this option.
Expense: Expenses are given an "order number" automatically during processing. This is not the reference that is sent to accounts, that will be generated as a purchase invoice number. The expense order number sequence is managed by Synergist, set the start number here.
Default markup %: Sets a default markup figure for all new expense suppliers.
Job numbers
Next job number: Sets the next job number for this company. Note that jobs in Synergist are always prefixed with the company number (1/, 2/, 3/ etc). The maximum length for a job number is 10 characters, including company prefix. This means that the same job number can exist in multiple companies - 1/00001000 and 2/00001000 are considered to be different job numbers, but both will appear as job number 1000 in companies 1 & 2.
Own job numbers: If you prefer to enter your own job number every time a new job is created, check this option. Uniqueness is still managed by Synergist, you will be alerted if you attempt to create the same job number for a second time.
Pre zero: Pre-zeroing your job numbers is usually a good idea as it ensures smooth sorting of jobs by job number. The leading zeroes are hidden in the user interface, but you can, if you wish, remove them altogether.
Job number prefix
Note: Job numbers are limited to 10 characters in total, including the company prefix (1/, 2/, 10/ etc). Bear this in mind when using job prefixes to ensure that you have adequate scope to create jobs as required now, and in the future.
None: Self explanatory.
Automatic: This will take the first three characters from the client code.
Manual: You will be prompted to manually enter the prefix on every job creation.
Client: A job number prefix box can be found on each client record. The prefix will be taken from there, unless this is blank when automatic will be reverted to.
Team: A job number prefix box can be found on each team record. The prefix will be taken from there, unless this is blank when automatic will be reverted to.
Prefix position is next to job number:
Allow override of client / team prefix on own jobs: When creating jobs with the own job number setting, the normal prefix rules for team / client prefixing can be ignored if this option is ticked.
Use automatic job numbers with no prefixes for opportunities: Opportunities are essentially jobs that have a status of 'quote'. The default behaviour for the number of these is to be given a job number and that would never change. However, there is the option to have a simple sequential job number given to an opportunity, which is subsequently changed to a 'true' job number if the opportunity moves from 'quote' to 'live' status (ie is promoted to a job from an opportunity). This feature may be of use in conjunction with the following set ups:
- Own job numbers: In this scenario you may not wish to allocate a job number until the job goes live.
- Client prefix: This can be problematic if you are creating opportunities against prospects since the opportunity is created before the prospect has been promoted to a true client.It is normally at this point that the client prefix is agreed and entered on the system.
- Team prefix: This may not be decided until the job is live.
The following outcomes of using this feature must be understood before implementing:
When you send a quote to a client it will be using the initial opportunity number rather than the eventual job number. However, you will be able to search for the job using the original opportunity number (job put it in the job list search box). The opportunity number appears on the quote tabs of both the job and phases (bottom of the screen).
At the point of making a quote live you need to be aware of what is required with regards to your job numbering procedure (eg manual prefix required/manual job numbering etc.).
All existing opportunities will be unaffected if changing to this feature (ie they will keep the existing job number they were given on set up).