
Invoicing & profitability - Sales turnover

David Stevenson -

The sales turnover report is useful if you wish to see invoice-specific information such as invoice number or invoice date.  Most sales reports in Synergist are based around a list of jobs/phases, the sales turnover report is a list of invoices including credit notes and revenue recognitions, but excluding drafts.  The report lists all invoices dated in the specified date range, and in addition to invoice number and date it shows total net, VAT and gross amounts, the client billed and a reference code.  This reference code will either be a job number, a phase number, or in the case of a multi-job invoice the client code.  Note that if you use the bill to another client feature it is the bill to client name that will be displayed.

This report has no special options, the export option adds two columns for client type and order number.

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