
2 tier jobs

Jo Grant -

2 tier phase structure can be enable on the advanced tab of company settings. It can either be set as the default for all new jobs:


Or just as an option to be selected on a job by job basis (right at the bottom of the details tab if the company setting above is ticked):

This set up allows for a more complex use of Synergist, giving an extra level to the phases.

Once estimates and / or real costs exist, the option is greyed out and it can neither be selected or deselected.

Costs can not be assigned to a phase of a 2 tier job until at least one stage has been added via the phase level schedule tab.

Estimating on 2 tier phase structure jobs
Stages can only be added at phase level on 2 tier jobs, via the schedule tab:

You can select all the stages you require and add them together:


Once your stages are set up within your schedule you can create estimates and add costs.
In both of these areas (Estimating and Time & Materials) you will now find you have an additional drop down to select the relevant stage. You must select a stage before being able to progress:

These stages then again need to be selected when adding actual time and materials.

Stages can be included on reporting from within the data viewer section.

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