
Dealing with allocating freelance time and subsequent invoices.

Dave Harvey -


We have a freelancer in and they add their time to a job in the normal way via web time sheets. When we come to add their purchase invoice onto the system at a later date their time is effectively on the job twice. Is there a better way to add freelance time to a job?


Both solutions require freelancers to be set up with user accounts, staff resources and expense suppliers.

Both solutions require consolidated purchase orders to be enabled in your system.

Solution 1: Set the resource level cost for the freelance resource to zero and enter a freelancer PO cost rate.  When the freelancer timesheets are processed to create a purchase order this is the hourly rate that will be used to calculate the purchase order cost

Solution 2: Create the freelancer resource with a normal cost rate for time and the same rate for freelancer PO cost.  When the freelancer timesheets are used to create a purchase order the PO will be created on an internal job - the time cost on work jobs is recorded on timesheets.

Creating purchase orders from freelance timesheets

Set either; PO cost rate only (soluton 1) or; both PO cost rate and normal cost rate (solution 2).


Timesheets are entered onto jobs as normal by the freelancer.

To process these timesheets into a purchase order or orders go to the posted timesheets list and from views select the freelancers timesheets option:

This lists all open timesheets from freelancers.  You can select timesheets across multiple jobs for multiple freelancers. A purchase order will be created for each freelancer job/phase. The purchase orders will then be automatically joined together as consolidated purchase orders – one for each Freelancer.

Once you have selected the timesheets to process choose one of the freelancer actions:


Choose create purchase orders for solution 1, select create purchase order on a single internal phase for solution 2.

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